Monday, April 04, 2005

Monday Morning Bird Walk Huntley Meadows, VA

Hawk, juvenile red-shouldered. Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, VA. April 2005. I went on the Huntley Meadows Monday morning birdwalk on April 4. From the boardwalk, we hiked into the woods to another set of ponds. Watched this hawk through the scope for awhile but it never moved to give us a better look.

In addition to the hawk, I saw the following birds:
Greater yellowlegs (curved beak was visible through my binoculars, and part of the group heard the call later), yellow rumped warbler, red-headed woodpecker, wood ducks, great blue heron, redwinged blackbirds, green winged teal, yellow bellied sapsucker, red bellied woodpecker, many nesting Canada geese, ring billed gulls and an eastern bluebird. There were also several deer, and one Canada was nesting on top of the beaver lodge! Pictures of some of the birds follow.

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