Saturday, February 19, 2005

Birding at Tijuana Estuary NWR, San Diego, CA

We went birding at the Tijuana Estuary yesterday.  It was supposed to be a rainy day, but instead we had bright sunshine!  It was a great day.  We saw (in no particular order--a new bird for this beginning birder is marked by an asterisk *):  redbreasted merganser, american wigeon*, great blue heron, great egret, snowy egret, brown pelican, redwinged blackbird, northern harrier* (male & female), long billed curlew, willets, mallards (male and female), song sparrow, seagulls (of course) of indeterminate type, marbled godwit, western meadowlark, loggerhead shrike*, a savannah sparrow (Belding's?)*, several lizards, two jackrabbits and two small mice.  There were also some finches that may have been purple finches.  And a myriad of sparrows and other small brown birds that wouldn't stay still long enough for me to figure them out.  A great day!
Betsy True
Alexandria, VA
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